

As of Monday, June 6, 2011, the cycle of sports dedicated to people with intellectual disabilities begins. The project, which is a collaboration between A.M.G., the social enterprise of the Misericordia of Florence directed by Dr. Leandro Lombardi, and the Provincial Committee of Florence A.I.C.S. (Italian Culture and Sports Association), provides for the organization of training activities and sports in the following disciplines: karate, dance therapy, photography, lake-fishing, running and bowling.The courses, which you can participate for free, will last a year and will take place in the spaces made available by the affiliated Associations and Sports Clubs, Florence AICS and the Misericordia of Florence AMG.Behind the project there is the attempt to create moments of integration between people with intellectual disabilities of all ages and people without disabilities, to transfer the necessary technical skills and knowledge to perform physical and expressive activities and to offer assistance in daily activities.The progress of courses will be developed by educators and instructors, with the support of volunteer personnel already experienced in support activities to intellectually disabled people.The project, of which Giorgio Burdese is responsible, coordinator of the Department of Culture of Florence AICS, is coordinated by Dr. Isabella Masciavè (Florence AMG) and by Dr. Francesca Faggi (Florence AICS).

This article was been translated and adapted to English (American) by Sara Robicheau
Micaela Piva Merli